Third Year on the Net

It’s been three years since the inception of the domain. In the last year not too much has been happening to my websites as my efforts were focused on work, school, and something else. This doesn’t mean that there’s nothing to write about though, so keep on reading for the inside scoop into’s third year on the world wide web.

As mentioned above, the last 12 months was rather uneventful for my websites. There were no major down times or hacking incidents, although from time to time some bored soul will give this website a poke or two with some SQL injection attempts. In terms of additions and development, only the crabbing guide has seen significant additions because my crab-loving relatives have returned. I’ve also been adding content (at a rather slow pace) to this site, the badminton blog and the badminton portal, but otherwise these sites are still the same as before. In my last anniversary article I wrote that I was working on a new content-based website project, and unfortunately I’m still at the info collection stage. I’m not going to abandon the project, but it’ll probably be a long time before that website ever goes online especially given that next year is my graduating year from college.

To be honest, I really haven’t put too much effort into the websites last year. School and co-op work are some of the reasons, but the main reason is because I (re)started a personal blog and I invested a lot of effort into it. The blog is currently hosted on Blogger, and so I won’t mention the url here yet. In the blog I usually write about the anime and manga series I read and watch, and I also share personal artwork (which are also posted in the gallery). My efforts to promote my blog did pay off somewhat and it now averages 700 visitors and 1200 page loads per day. In case you are wondering, this is more traffic than all of the websites combined. On the downside, writing blog posts take up a fair bit of time, and despite the decent traffic the ad revenue have been dismal for my blog. Although a lot of my efforts have gone into the blog, I have no plans to abandon my other websites. The blog is only for anime, manga, artwork, and the odd personal quip. All of my other articles will be posted here.

Speaking of traffic and ad revenues, both of these measurements have grown slightly in the past year compared to 2007-2008. All of the websites combined for over 70,000 visitors, almost 150,000 page loads, and about $500 of revenue over the past year. This is up from 59,000 visitors, 130,000 page loads, and ~$425 ad revenue in 2007-2008. Not dramatic growth, but growth nonetheless. The traffic is seasonal in pattern, with the summer having significantly more visitors than the cold seasons, and this is because the majority of the traffic goes to the crabbing guide. Crabbing is seasonal in nature, and therefore so is the traffic to my guide. Not too long ago, my websites also reached the milestone of 200,000 unique visitors. I know there are websites that get more than 200,000 visitors in a day, but for a group of personal websites 200,000 is not too shabby at all. In celebration I decided to give myself a pat on the back :grin: .

That’s all I have to say for the 2008-2009 year in regards to As mentioned before, the next year will be my last year as an undergraduate student, and I’ll be quite busy trying to make the grade and applying for grad school. Therefore, I don’t really foresee any major developments with these websites in the next 8 months or so. I’m thinking of moving my popular (in comparison to my other sites) personal blog on to a WordPress installation on my paid web space, but I haven’t committed to anything yet. I’m also thinking of moving my websites to another webhost. The current host have been reliable and problem-free thus far, but the bandwidth limit and storage seems rather inadequate when compared to the plans offered by many other hosts at the same cost. The move will probably happen about a year from now though, since I have already extended my plan for another year. It’s not like I’m in any danger of hitting the limits though :lol: . Thanks for reading this article and hopefully I’ll still be around to write the 4th anniversary post for

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