Summer is coming to end, and we can already feel the crisp coolness of autumn in the air. It’s once again to post some highlights about what I’ve been up to in the past season. I tried to take advantage of the good weather whenever I could, and did mostly outdoorsy stuff. I also had two overnight trips despite the pandemic. Not to far places, but still had fun. So here we go with the photo highlights.

I continued with my shellfish harvesting ways into the summer. Earlier in the summer I went for clams and oysters. Later on I mostly went crabbing when the summer crabbing season opened up. Caught a good number of red rock crabs during the season, and spent a lot of time eating them too.
Crabbing in Seattle with the biggest red rock crab (6.25″ across the carapace) I caught during the summer. (click to enlarge)

As usual, I tried to hit the hiking trails every weekend. Saw my share of tranquil alpine lakes, beautiful waterfalls and stout mountain peaks. Here are some of those highlights from this summer of hiking in the Pacific Northwest.
Also had some fun locally that wasn’t hiking or catching shellfish.
For overnight trip, my first trip of the summer was to the southern Washington coast and northern Oregon coast. It was a short trip and the weather was overcast, but it was good to drive around and visit somewhere I haven’t been before.
My second trip was back to the Vancouver, Canada area to visit my family. It’s the first time I’ve been back for a year and half. The old travel restrictions made it inconvenient to travel across the border, but with the easing of restrictions by Canada, I could finally go back without having to quarantine.
The most important thing was to see family and friends. We went to some local parks and tourist attractions. Since I haven’t been back in a while, of course I ate a lot of good Chinese food. The Vancouver area has better Chinese food than the Puget Sound. Probably ate a little too much during my vacation, and now I have to work off those extra pounds.
Those are my outings for the summer of 2021. I would say it was a bit more going on than last year’s summer. Although covid is still around, the vaccines means there are less restrictions. I’ll try to make the most of any remaining good weather in the fall, and in the winter hopefully I’ll be able to go on the Colorado ski trip that I had to cancel this year. Thanks for reading and stay safe out there.