My Third Car: 2024 Lexus RX350h

After keeping my 2011 Toyota RAV4 for over 10 years and driving it all over the USA, I decided it was time to get a new ride. The RAV4 has been a dependable vehicle, but it is missing all of the modern goodies (doesn’t even have Bluetooth) and the gas mileage is actually not that great anymore thanks to the old 4-speed automatic. I had some time on my hands to shop for a new vehicle, and ended up buying a new 2024 Lexus RX350h. I wanted to go to a mid-size SUV/crossover, and I liked the look of the current RX. The hybrid powertrain of the RX350h delivers decent amount of power with great gas mileage, and Lexus has the reputation of being the most reliable luxury car brand. It’s definitely an upgrade in terms of features and comfort compared to my old RAV4 which I traded-in .

This is the first brand new car that I’ve purchased. It’s definitely a big purchase, but I’ve worked long enough that I don’t have to worry about being able to afford a new car anymore. So far, I’m still trying to figure out all the bells and whistles that come with the RX350h, and also how to organize some of the stuff in my car. The RX has roomier seats, but the cargo space doesn’t have the under floor storage that the RAV4 had. Hopefully this RX will live up to Lexus’s reputation for reliability and keep going strong for 10+ years.

Fall Foliage Trip to the Northeast, and Other Autumn Musings

It’s that time of the year where the fall leaves have been shed and the grey and rainy season is upon the PNW, but ski season hasn’t started yet. This means time for me to look back and post a few highlights from the autumn season. My main activity was taking a trip to the Northeast US for a family wedding and also to see the famous New York/New England fall foliage.

Beautiful fall colors at the Hogback Mountain scenic overlook in Vermont
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Samples of Summer

Fall is around the corner, so it’s time to post my highlights for the summer of 2024. Summer is hiking season, so I spent many-a-weekends in the mountains, and there are a few other fun activities as well. Here are the photo and video highlights:

Saint Marks Summit at Cypress Provincial Park in West Vancouver. Where the mountains meet the sea.
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Simply the Spring

It’s now July. Half of 2024 is gone and a heat wave is on the way for the PNW. It’s time once again to post some highlights of my activities over the past season. My spring activities this year were mostly local activities, except for one trip for work. Work was busy this season, but I try to do something fun during the weekends and holidays. Here are the photo and video highlights:

One of Seattle’s favorite spring pastimes is viewing the cherry blossoms at the UW Quad
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Winding Down Winter

Once again it is time to post on this little blog about what I’ve been up to for the past season. This was an activity-filled winter for me. I went on a big ski trip to Colorado, drove all the way around the Olympic Peninsula in Washington, and did a bunch of other stuff. Here are the highlights with photos and videos.

At the top of Burnt Mountain within Snowmass Ski Resort. Hike to the top was short, but wasn’t easy given the slippery slope and doing it in ski boots while carrying my skis and poles (click to enlarge)

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Trip to Japan

After many, many years, I finally visited a new country. In my longest trip since forever, I traveled to Japan with some friends where we spent two and half weeks exploring Osaka, Kyoto and Tokyo. Here are my thoughts on the trip along with some photo & video highlights.

Mount Fuji in all its glory
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Accelerated Autumn

It’s almost end of the November and definitely feels like the typical winter out here in the Pacific Northwest. It’s time again to post about what I’ve up to during the last season. My major outing was a 2.5-week trip to Japan. Other than the trip, I didn’t do too much else, just two fall foliage hikes. Here are the video/photo highlights.

The brilliant gold of the subalpine larches on the trail to Cutthroat Pass. Larch Madness up there.
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Summer Shimmers

Meteorological fall has arrived on queue in the PNW with rain and cooler weather. This is means it’s time to look back at all the (mis-)adventures I’ve been up to in the summer. Actually I didn’t do too much compared to previous years in terms of recreation, since I was dealing with a few other things. Here are the photo and video highlights.

Hiking Ptarmigan Ridge in the North Cascades. Big views of Mount Baker and Mount Shuksan, plus some fall foliage up high.
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Spring-Time Sessions

It’s mid June, so it’s time again for my spring time activity update on this blog. During this time, I transitioned from winter activities to summer activities. I skied in April, and started hiking in June, and collected and ate more shellfish in between. Here are the photo and video highlights.

Skiing down from the summit of Mount Bachelor. Volcano skiing!!
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Winter Wanders

Spring is finally here although sometimes the weather still doesn’t quite feel like it. It’s been a while since my last update post, so here is a summary of what I’ve been up to during the winter. Like the last couple of winters, I mostly just skied during my time off. Also went razor clamming for the first time. Here are the photo (and video) highlights.

Skiing in Snowbasin, Utah with a buddy
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