It’s been a long time since my last movie review. That’s probably because I don’t really go to the theatres that much or rent movies. Anyways, here is one of the rare occasions that I actually watched a (reasonably) new movie, which is the new Rambo film, starring Sylvester Stallone (can’t really be anybody else). So read on if you want to know what I think about this film.
Category: Reviews
Reviews on movies and other things.
Movie Review: “Brotherhood of the Wolf” (2002)
I haven’t written anything myself for a while now, so I decided to practice my writing skills again by writing a movie review. The subject film this time is some fairly recent movie that I saw on television. It’s a French action-horror-adventure-whatever (I watched a dubbed version) flick called the Brotherhood of the Wolf. I remember reading a fairly favourable review for this movie so I decided to watch the whole thing, and here is my review of this film.
Movie Review: “The Grudge” (2004)
Even though I’m supposed to be studying like mad for my end-of-term exams, I took the time to dig around my old stuff and found a movie review I wrote back in grade 12 for film class. The review is about the horror movie The Grudge, which is an American remake of one of those typical Japanese “ghost girl” movies (ex. The Ring). It was an okay film overall, but I don’t like horror movies in general, because I’m not exactly what people would call “brave” and some horror movies make me uncomfortable.
Movie Review: “Batman Begins” (2005)
Now that I’m on summer vacation, I have plenty of time in my hands. Recently, I went out to see the new Batman movie, and I think it is a pretty good film. Even though I don’t have a film class to make me write movie reviews any more, I still chose to write one for this film, to practice my writing skills. Here’s my review of Batman Begins.
Movie Review: “Of Mice and Men” (1992)
Okay, I know nobody reads these reviews anyways, but I’ll put them up just for fun. This movie review was actually written for my English class, and not for film class. I got a fairly good mark on this assignment. The review is on a film adaptation of the famous John Steinbeck novel of the same title. It’s not a very interesting film, but it’s not the worst thing I’ve ever seen.
Movie Review: “The Polar Express” (2004)
This is another film that I watched for my film studies class. We have a choice of several movies and when I went to the theatre, this was the only movie that I didn’t have to wait for, so I watched this one. It was a pretty entertaining film, and it was in spirit for the holidays, so I can’t really say it’s a rip off. Here’s the review for this movie.
Movie Review: “Dead Presidents” (1995)
As some of you know (my fellow students), I took a film class in my grade 12 year so I had to write movie reviews as assignments. This was my first movie review of the year, and I got an A on this assignment. I only put my better efforts on my website. I got my good mark by writing in “technical” movie language as the teacher wanted. Anyways, this review is about some obscure film that came out in the mid nineties about the Vietnam War and black people in America. My teacher made me watch obscure films such as this one so this is the review that you will get. Hope you enjoy it. You’ll probably understand my review better if you’ve watched this film. For those of you who haven’t watched this movie, don’t bother trying to rent it since the movie isn’t worth the money anyways.
Movie Review: “Beautiful Boxer” (2003)
Well, I complain about how my film class teacher won’t let the class to go watch new movies, so he made us go watch a new movie. Unfortunately, this is one of the many weird foreign films that was shown at the 2004 Vancouver International Film Festival. This is a movie about a Thai kickboxer who fights to earn money so that he can get a sex change operation. Believe it or not, this film is based on a true story. Before I went to see the film, I thought the movie was going to suck, but it turned out alright. Below is my review for this film. Like every other schoolwork articles I posted, I also got a good mark for this review.