Winding Down Winter

Once again it is time to post on this little blog about what I’ve been up to for the past season. This was an activity-filled winter for me. I went on a big ski trip to Colorado, drove all the way around the Olympic Peninsula in Washington, and did a bunch of other stuff. Here are the highlights with photos and videos.

At the top of Burnt Mountain within Snowmass Ski Resort. Hike to the top was short, but wasn’t easy given the slippery slope and doing it in ski boots while carrying my skis and poles (click to enlarge)

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Summer Saunters

It’s mid-September and I can already feel the crisp autumn chill in the air at where I live. This means it’s time again to post some highlights and photos of what I’ve been up to during the past season. Summer is a good time in the Pacific Northwest as weather is nice and it’s usually not super hot. We didn’t get a record-setting heat wave like 2021, but there were plenty of hot (by PNW standards) days. I didn’t take a long vacation or travel far during the summer, so pretty much all of the highlights are hiking and outdoorsy stuff in the PNW. Without further ado here are the photos

Summit Lake
The absolutely gorgeous Summit Lake. Probably the most beautiful scenery I’ve encountered so far hiking in the PNW. Was here two years ago but couldn’t see much due to foggy weather. Picked a clear blue sky summer day this year and got this fantastic view.

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More Summer Outings

It’s been about two months since my last outs and abouts post… and I started the previous one of these with the same phrase haha. Over the last two months, I tried some fun water activities, and even traveled outside of NC for a bit. Keep reading for photos and highlights.

River Tubing
River tubing, the quintessential summer experience during hot weather.

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