Samples of Summer

Fall is around the corner, so it’s time to post my highlights for the summer of 2024. Summer is hiking season, so I spent many-a-weekends in the mountains, and there are a few other fun activities as well. Here are the photo and video highlights:

Saint Marks Summit at Cypress Provincial Park in West Vancouver. Where the mountains meet the sea.
Picking cherries from my family’s backyard. Improved yield over last year.
Easy hike up to Garfield Ledges
The only summer crab season outing this year. Got two keeper red rock crabs on this pull, along with a female Dungeness and an undersize red rock.
View of Mt Shuksan while hiking Chain Lakes Loop. Slightly cloudy weather but scenery still awesome.
More dramatic landscapes while hiking back up to Artists Point on the Chain Lakes Loop.
On the Skyline Loop at Paradise, Mount Rainier National Park. Last time I was at Paradise was 11 years ago.
Wildflowers were in bloom when I visited the Skyline Loop. You can also see Mt. Adams (left) and Mt. St. Helens (right) in the distance.
Having lunch with a view at Pratt Balcony
On the way up to Sauk Mountain in the North Cascades.
Haven’t played laser tag since elementary school. This actually might be the same place I went when I was a kid. I didn’t do super great but definitely wasn’t last.
Hiked Tolmie Peak again after 4 years. Couldn’t see Mt. Rainier that well at the top due to wildfire haze, but Mowich Lake here is still pretty.

Those are all of my summer 2024 highlights. As for the upcoming autumn, hopefully the weather will cooperate for some fall foliage hike. I also have a trip planned to attend a family event, and might be planning on a longer break depending on how things go. Thanks for scrolling down this far.

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